The right light, at the right time – for more energy.
Everyone has a daily rhythm, which is largely controlled by natural daylight. With conventional artificial lighting this regular stimulation by light is missing and our body’s release of hormones can become confused. EnergyByLight is not just artificial light, it is biodynamic.
Biodynamic light recreates the colour temperature and brightness of natural daylight found throughout the course of a day, controlling the so-called circadian rhythm. Thus, ensuring a balanced day-night rhythm for humans. Even seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is counteracted with biodynamic light, providing us with the light we miss during the darker winter months.
EnergyByLight reproduction of daylight makes us more productive, more energetic, better concentrated and improves our sleep, easily operate EnergyByLight with the corresponding App to set to the circadian rhythm that’s right for you.
EnergyByLight combines perfect light distribution at the (home)desk and at the same time delivers biologically effective lighting. Aiding your concentration and allowing you to work more efficiently whether in the office or at home. Equipped with automatic daylight and presence sensor technology, glare reduction optics, the luminaire provides an even light distribution not only for the task area but also for the desk’s surroundings.